

which printer should we launch next? (please reply)

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

What is your favorite resin printer? Please let us know by replying to this email.

At polySpectra, our general philosophy is to let the customer choose their favorite hardware, their favorite software, and their favorite materials. We certainly have our own opinions and often make recommendations, but it is ultimately up to you to decide on your favorite solutions. (In case you are curious, our founder recently discussed this philosophy in detail on the 3DPOD podcast.)

For the past few years, we've been focused on DLP printers that operate at 385nm wavelength. There are a number of very nice industrial printers in this category. At the same time, there are many orders of magnitude more resin printers out in the world that don't fall into this bucket.

We've recently found ways to print with Cyclic Olefin Resins at 405nm, which opens up the possibility to drop into almost every resin printer on the market. To be completely honest, we are overwhelmed by the number of options!

Our 405nm resins are still in development, but we want to make sure that we are incorporating your input as we finalize the formulations for launch. Make sure that we don't forget about your favorite printer when we announce our newest resins!

Which printers should we focus on? We really value your insights, please take 2 seconds to reply.

Make it real.


P.S. - The list of currently validated hardware can be found at


We help innovative engineers 3D print end-use components that they can trust, using the world’s most rugged photopolymer resins.

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